Processes > FCUpdateService.exe
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File Name: FCUpdateService.exe
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There are strong indicators suggesting that this file is safe to use.
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DETAILS Installed from Foxit Reader (Online/Offline PDF Reader). *If you use another software or method for checking for updates (i.e. Glary Utilities), this process is not needed (block/stop it). FCUpdateService.exe is Foxit Cloud Safe Update Service for updating Foxit Reader and other Foxit Software. IMPORTANT FCUpdateService.exe is able to monitor applications. The technical security rating is 34% dangerous. FCUpdateService.exe is not essential for Windows OS or updating when using other update methods. The FCUpdateService.exe file is located in a subfolder of "C:\\Program Files\\Foxit Software" or "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Foxit Software". Known file sizes on Windows 8/7/XP are 242,912 bytes (20% of all occurrences), 242,216 bytes and 5 more variants (242,880 bytes, etc.). The program is not visible, has a digital signature, and is not a Windows core file. FCUpdateService.exe is removed when the parent software is uninstalled. WARNING SIGNS Some malware camouflage as FCUpdateService.exe, especially when located in C:\\Windows or C:\\Windows\\System32 folder, or located separate from the Foxit folder.
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