Processes > RapportService.exe
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File Name: RapportService.exe
Usefulness Rating:
The RapportService.exe process is a part of Rapport Service from Trusteer Ltd. It is for safty on banking by showing a tag in your browser to indicate whether the site is "secure" or not. It won't hijack your private information, and it is supposed to use CPU 0.28% average.
The RapportService.exe process is not a system critical process. But it is required by third-party software and should not disabled.
Users Opinions:
21 0 Report Abuse
interferes with several websites (yahoo for one). significant use of processor without any reason. disabled it except for using online banking
33 2 Report Abuse
I downloaded this on advice / requirement of my bank. With Firefox with many tabs open, the Rapport process hogs Firefox in the 50% CPU on my machine for many minutes upon accessing morning (after the computer has been in wait mode overnight). It also seems to interfere with my Yahoo! login. I've decided to turn it off for most of the time. From the Windows Start menu choose Trusteer Rapport - Rapport Console and choose "stop" (and enter the captcha code).
kat fellows
10 0 Report Abuse
cannot get on my online banking and now cannot uninstall this
1 3 Report Abuse
Do not have any issues with this application. Gives extra protection when using on-line banking.
Frazer Hyde
1 2 Report Abuse
Used by On-line banks to verify website security More information
Jeff D
1 2 Report Abuse
ID Theft and Fraud Prevention - Generally used in conjunction with Online banking and securing login sessions.
no user
1 2 Report Abuse
security feature
C Hindle
2 1 Report Abuse
Part of the Rapport online security application. Endorsed by Natwest bank PLC
Jeff H
1 0 Report Abuse
re my last if anyone is having problems you should see a grey or green icon to right of address bar with left pointing arrow [colour depends if in active mode or not] click on the icon then open console, then look at help & support report a problem or FAQ's if icon is not there you'll have to contact them direct More information
Jeff H
4 1 Report Abuse
Absolutely trustworthy Trusteer's Rapport stops attacks by malware and keyloggers. Should work fine. If anyone is having problems [kat fellows] you should see Rapport in Control panel add and remove programmes, but you may need to deactivate before trying to remove it. AND I then suggest you run an anti malware programme to scan your machine. More information
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